Thursday, March 26, 2009

What I Am p.150 Ch. 17

"And I am an illegal alien." p. 150. This quote is something that throughout the whole book, they've kept secret! See my earlier post for more info. Aisha, Nadira, and the whole family has always made a big deal about never telling anyone family secrets. I think that it might have been a good idea for Aisha to tell everyone their secret. I'm not sure if it was a good idea though. What do you think?

Vote on my poll and tell me what you think! :)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Ch.16 Finding A Place

"...especially when the sky goes dark: the person guiding slowly from behind. That's who I've become in my family." p.137 Ch. 16. This quote makes me very happy. :) Nadira is finally finding her place in the family. It's the point we've all been waiting for!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Mother With Friends Ch.15 p.128

""Your mother's the best," one lady tells me. "I never seen a lady so brave. Every day she sits out-side that courthouse doing what she has to do." I can't believe it." p.128. I think that this quote is sad, but good. Nadira is seeing that her mother has friends and that her friends are true friends. This would be kind-of encouraging to Nadira (I think.) What do you think?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Confident For Once Ch.13 p.119

"I feel strong and solid. Sure. The other day I talked to a girl at college. I've got an envelope of money in my backpack. And now I've got secret business to take care of... For the first time I feel like I can run,fast. And I run all the way to the bus." p.119
I like this quote a lot. Nadira has finally got some self-confidence which makes me very happy. It's sad though that in the next chapter she loses all of that self-confidence. I hope that she is able to build it back up again. What do you think?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

First Time Ch.12 p.113 :

"This is the first time I've ever done this, but I put my arms around my sister." p.113. I think that this quote is extremely sad. It's sad that she's never put her arm around her sister to comfort her. I think that this is another big/good step in the girls relationship. :) I think that Nadira is becoming more like Aisha, and Aisha's becoming more like Nadira. What do you think?

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Plenty of Room Ch.11 p.89

""There's plenty of room, Nadira. You just have to learn how to grab it."" I think that this quote is interesting. Aisha's admitting Nadira to a whole new world. Aisha is giving Nadira advice as to her (what Nadira believed to be) her secret. Finally, Aisha seems to be giving Nadira a little advice as to how to get the spotlight. :) What do you think?

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ch. 10 Aisha's Attitude *I can conivnce anyone anything* p.87

"Aisha is sobbing harder now. "No, you're wrong. I should have convinced them. If only I'd said the right thing. If only I said more-"". Wow! A lot of things happened in chapter 10!! (Well, just one major thing.) This quote shows Aisha's self-esteem level. It shows that Aisha thinks she can convince anyone of anything! She's always seemed like the perfect little angel 0:-) to everyone (except Nadira). She's always gotten what she wants. Its almost liek she thinks she has a super power-that she can convince anyone anything!! Now, she still thinks that she could have convinced them, but she couldn't of. I think that this is sad. :( What do you think?