Thursday, March 26, 2009

What I Am p.150 Ch. 17

"And I am an illegal alien." p. 150. This quote is something that throughout the whole book, they've kept secret! See my earlier post for more info. Aisha, Nadira, and the whole family has always made a big deal about never telling anyone family secrets. I think that it might have been a good idea for Aisha to tell everyone their secret. I'm not sure if it was a good idea though. What do you think?

Vote on my poll and tell me what you think! :)


  1. YAY first post! I agree with Talliya about how it is a good idea to tell the class! because they have not told anyone and didn't want to tell anyone, and now being able to gives a lot of relief to them i think.

  2. i think it was a good idea also because they might be going to Canda, or getting residency so its not a completely big deal.

  3. I think that the pressure was killing Aisha. Aisha had trusted Nadira and Nadira had done the right thing in my opinion. I think that by telling everyone, Aisha finally had all of the lies that she had told disappear. I know that they kept it secret. But think about it, if you were illegal and you had to keep it secret and tell lies in order to do that, wouldn't you feel like you were going to burst. I certainly would and I think that deep inside all of the lies is the truth and that was pushing against the border of lies and trying to get Aisha to say something. Nadira finally broke her chain of lies by making her spit out the truth.

  4. i too think that it was good of Aisha to tell the whole school that she is an illegal alien. i think that this shows that Aisha is very brave. when i read this i thought about Nadira's and Aisha's parents. they were there and they hear Aisha say this after they told her not too. i wonder if they felt proud of her or mad. probably proud... i bet they probably didn't care that she said that because they were overjoyed of her just becoming valedictorian.

  5. I am proud of Aisha finally telling the truth. Like Carolyn says Aisha was keeping a big secret and had to lie to keep it that way. I am not sure if her parents are proud of her telling their secret. Now everybody in the audience knows they are undocumented. I wonder what the teachers are going to say about them...

  6. I'm also glad that Aisha told the truth. Nadira really needed to have someone know about their family's situation. But on the other hand, I don't think it was such a good idea for Aisha to tell everyone at graduation. The reaction of the audience was not a surprise, but I'm afraid Nadira might get a little shut out because of this. I think they first should have told one of their friends, and if they took the news reasonably, then they should've proceeded to tell everyone. But I'm still glad she told the truth.

  7. I agree with Sofia. Her parents might not have let her say what she did if they knew what she planned. I think they were nervous when hearing the speech and thought that something was going to happen to them. But in my opinion, I think it was very brave of Aisha to admit to being an illegal alien, and I'm glad she did. I want to know what her parents were thinking then...

  8. I really like how Nadira and Aisha have helped each other through everything, and having Nadira, and Ma, and Abba at Aisha's graduation. I think it meant a lot to Aisha by having them there, and i think it meant a lot to them (ma, and abba) to be able to see her at graduation saying her Valedictorian speech.
    She did take a huge risk in saying she is an illegal alien, but i really liked how she said that she doesn't want others to view her differently, she just wants to speak the truth, and i admire her for that.

  9. i like what karly just said. when i said earlier that aisha was brave, i guess i was saying that i was proud of her (like karly just said). aisha broke out of her depressing dark shell and spoke up for herself at the graduation.

  10. I am super hyped that Aisha finally came out to everyone about their legal status. It was a bit risky but they became legal anyways. :)
    I wish that Marina Budhos had included a one-on-one Aisha to Mr.Friedlander dialogue after Aisha made this announcement. Or maybe he could talk to the family?

    Like Sofia I am proud of Aisha telling the truth. It must have been very difficult for her. For one, she was on a lying streak. And secondly it's hard to share something emotional in front of such a large audience.

  11. Yeah, I now think that it's a good thing that Aisha told the class. Thanks for the imput! :)

  12. Thanks Karly for responding so many times! :)

  13. I thought it was a good idea for Aisha to say that she was an illegal alien. Everyone knows Aisha, they all love her, and she is their valedictorian. When she tells them, they will want to take action, but if it was just some kid standing on the streets they would have called he INS, but since it was Aisha they cared.

  14. I was really happy when Aisha gave her speech. I think that all of the graduates and their families were surprised that Aisha was an illegal alien. The speech was very powerful, and Aisha is finally coming clean with her class. I really was happy or the family.

  15. I don't know if I think its good that Aisha said that. It puts her family in an awkward position.
